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Hands-on Deep Learning

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Hands-on Deep Learning

Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Speakers: Ramzi Guetari, Maha Mallak And Ines Rahmany

Ramzi Guetari - ISI/LIMTIC

Theorical Part
  1. Introduction

  2. Prerequisites

  3. What is the artificial neural network (ANNs)?

  4. Background and motivations of the ANNs

  5. Classification Systems and Inductive machine Learning

  6. The structure of an ANN

  7. The feedforward neural network

  8. The Conjugate Gradient Method and optimization

  9. Deep Learning

  10. Convolutional Neural Networks.

  11.  Application fields and results.

Ramzi Guetari - ISI/LIMTIC

Practical Part
  1. Artificial Neural Network using Tensorflow in Python ( Maha Mallek ENSI/COSMOS)

  2. Convolutional Neural Networks : Training, Tuning and Classification (Ines Rahmany FST Sidi Bouzid / LBTM)


Ramzi Guetari a obtenu son Doctorat en Informatique en 1995. Il a travaillé à l'INRIA Rhône-Alpes de 1995 jusqu'en 2001 où il a été détaché au W3C. Il a ensuite travaillé des projets pour l'Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle à Genève, jusqu'en 2005. Il a ensuite réalisé des projets d'envergure pour Nestlé (Lausanne) et Novartis (Nyon). Il a intégré l'Université Tunis El Manar en 2009 où il enseigne depuis à l'Institut Supérieur d'Informatique.



Ines Rahmany studied Computer Science at Technology and Computer Science High School of Tunis then left for the National School of Engineering of Tunis (ENIT) of the Tunis El Manar University where she obtained her Master Degree in Signal Processing and Automatic. She obtained her PhD in Medical Image Processing in 2017 at the ENIT Tunisia. She joined the Department of Quantitative Methods at High Commercial Research Institute of Carthage (IHEC) from 2008 to 2014. Then, she has joined Maths and Computer Science Department of Sciences and Technologies Faculty of Sidi Bouzid since 2014.

Ines Rahmany is an IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society member And IEEE Signal Processing Society member since 2014.

Her research interests span both Computer Science and Medical Image Processing.

Ines Rahmany served in many associations. She was appointed head of Computer Science department ofthe “Big Hearts” Tunisian Human Association.   



Maha MALLEK a obtenu son diplôme d’ingénieur en informatique de l’Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax (ENIS) en 2014. Elle poursuit actuellement ses études de doctorat à l’Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique (ENSI). Ses recherches portent sur l'extraction d'informations à partir de documents textes non structurés ainsi que sur l’apprentissage automatique. 


The Second International Symposium on Data Science and Computational Intelligence DSCI 2018

 December 22-24, 2018
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